Great garage tips and tricks!
The best way start this organizing a space is to empty out the space. Don’t try to move things around in the space, you will just end up moving things around too much. Empty everything out and make piles that make sense to you and your families needs. Sweep up and then put things back. Old latex paint can be thrown in the trash if it’s dried out. So if we’re expecting a few days of heat and no rain open the cans and leave them in the yard to dry.
Most towns have specific policies on hazardous waste, in Winchester, MA we have a day in the spring when you can bring your hazardous material to the Department of Waste yard. Check with your town or city for their rules.
When putting stuff back in the garage, hang as much as possible. I’ve attached a picture of how we have our bikes hung. Hang the yard tools, you don’t need anything fancy. Hooks, nails, etc. are great to hang things you need easy access to – some frequently used tools, sports equipment, brooms, etc. Try and keep like things together as much as possible. Gardening with gardening, sports equipment with sports equipment etc.
If shelving will fit, the plastic ones are sturdy and inexpensive.
Happy Organizing!